Food for Thought Project
“Food for Thought” is a monthly food and resource distribution program in Hot Springs, AR, held the 4th Saturday of each month in the parking lot on the corner of Malvern and Church Streets. This program
was implemented because of the need to address the immediate needs of the city’s marginalized populations by distributing food, clothing, and personal care items, along with resources for social services assistance. Initially launched in 2020, our first goal was designed to implement a consistent pathway from homelessness to housing, as well as to assist the global Covid-19 pandemic. Our reasoning to combat the COVID-19 pandemic was by-in-large due to its devastating effects to our most vulnerable citizens: underserved, marginalized, homeless/youth, mentally ill, and veterans. We continue to strive to provide a SMART social service resource to the community. The impact we have in our community can be seen through our community partners, along with growing support of diverse volunteers across the county. The items provided, along with the services rendered, are identifiable and realistic to the needs of our community.

The Giving Team Inc. accept donation you can make donation through Givelify by click the Donate button.

The Giving Team Inc. is a service organization rooted in Giving. We are a 501(c)3 Non-profit organization who provides resources to increase access to food, clothing, social services and life skills opportunities. The Giving Team Inc. envisions a community where each resident will have access to life’s essentials for survival.
“The Best Way To Find Yourself, Is To Lose Yourself In
The Service Of Others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

The Giving Team Inc. welcome volunteers reach by phone 501-385-2813 or by email at thegivingteaminc@gmail.com